Range of Motion increase the scope of joint Femur Fracture Post Surgery Patients


  • Gustop Amatiria Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang
  • Efa Trisna Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang
  • Sulastri Sulastri Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang


Introduction: Patients who have limited mobility has not able to do some or all of range of motion exercises independently. This limitation can be identified on a client that any or all extremities have limited movement. The survey results in 5 patients postoperative femoral fracture Fixation Open Reduction Iinternal result on the third day post surgery patients are afraid to make a motion that looked edema in the surrounding area of operation. Objective:To determine differences in the scope of the joint femoral fracture patients post Iinternal Fixation Open Reduction interventions that give the Range of Motion of active and passive at the Rumah Sakit of Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung. Method: This research is a quantitative research using a quasi-experimental design one group pre-post test design. The population in this study are patients with fractures were treated in the Wren. Sampling with accidental sampling method, based on the availability of respondents who met the criteria with the time limit has been set, as many as 34 people. Respondents were divided menjai 2 groups: group I are getting Range of Motion Passive many as 17 respondents and group II were getting Range of Motion Active many as 17 respondents. Measurement of the scope of the joint before and after the intervention / training. Results:The results of t test analysis-dependent differences in the scope of joints is known to exist in the passive exercise group (p = 0.000) and active (p = 0.000), before and done Range of Motion. T-independent test results showed no difference in the scope of the joint on pasiif group and the active group (p = 0.51). Conclusion: It is advisable to maintain the Range of Motion both passive and active according to the patient's condition to increase the scope of the joint. 


Keywords: Range of Motion,  scope joints

Biografi Penulis

Gustop Amatiria, Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang

Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang

Efa Trisna, Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang

Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang

Sulastri Sulastri, Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang

Nursing Major Poltekkes Tanjungkarang


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