Differences In The Effect Of Aerobic Exercise With Anaerobic Exercise Against Malondialdehyde (Mda) Levels In Wistar Rat (RattusNovergicus) Heart Muscle


  • Aristoteles Aristoteles Lecturer Of Nursing Diploma Program STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang


Introduction: Effect of physical exercise on biological function, which is positive effect in terms of repairs cells and negative influences that inhibit or damage the cell. Strenuous physical exercise can cause muscle injury and oxidative stress in individuals who are not conditioned or not accustomed to physical activity. In addition to oxidative stress also plays a role in chronic fatigue syndrome. This happens due to the velocity exceeds the speed of energy needs and the ability of oxygen transport system to supply oxygen into mitochondria. The heart muscle is a muscle that has a major role in physical exercise, oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of myocardial infarction. although it has been known that exercise can produces free radicals, but how much difference the effect of aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise against the formation of free radicals, The information is relatively very limited. Formation of free radicals can be predicted by measuring the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA). Method: The design used in this study is in the form experimental vivo study with pretest-posttest design with a comparison group. The subjects were 28 Wistar rat rattus strain novergicus males are divided into 6 treatment groups and 1 control group. Data retrieved by doing physical exercise treadmill with speed 20m/minute for aerobic exercise and 35m/minute for anaerobic exercise. Different test average MDA levels using independent t-test, Anovaand post hoc. Results: The results showed decreased levels of MDA in the aerobic and anaerobic treatment group compared with the comparison group. The analysis showed that there were significant differences between the aerobic group 1 day, 3 times a week and 7 days in a row with  p<0,05. In the opposite there was no significant difference between groups anaerobic with p> 0,05. Conclusion:  aerobic and anaerobic exercise is performed 1 day, 3 times a week and 7 days in a row can increase the antioxidant defense system that decreases oxidative stress characterized by decreased levels of MDA.

Keywords : Physical exercise, MDA, Rattusnovergicuswistar rat

Biografi Penulis

Aristoteles Aristoteles, Lecturer Of Nursing Diploma Program STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang

Lecturer Of Nursing Diploma Program
STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang


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