Islamic Boarding School Female Students’ Empowerment In Preventing Sexualvulnerability And Reproductive Health In Adolescences Who Committed Early Marriage


  • Awatiful Azza University of Muhammadiyah Jember


Introduction: Islamic boarding school female students’ empowerment in helping the government to prevent the negative impacts of early marriage is an alternative attempt at reaching Madurese ethnic’s comprehension in Jember, who honored religious leaders as role model living in society.  Method: Empowerment is intended in this research is to provide health education through peer group by Islamic boarding school female students’.This study used cross sectional approach with pre experiment One group pre test- post test designs was performed on women who committed early marriage (<19 years old) in the northern region Jember district. There were 100 samples from cluster sampling technique. Data were collected through structured questionnaire which aimed to prove the influence of healthy reproduction learning through peer group committed by Islamic boarding school female students to increase knowledge about the prevention of sexual vulnerability and reproductive health of women who did early marriage. The data were analyzed using univariatefor demographic data and Spearman Rho for bivariate on the value of significance was P <0.05, to observe women’s knowledge who committed early marriage before and after the treatments. Results: Results of research on age of marriage was found that 56% of respondents  were 16-18 years old, 42% were 13-15 years old and 10-12 years old were as much as 2%. Spearman Rho analysis results showed that the calculated p value 0.000 so there was a learning effect on healthy reproduction through peer group in increasing knowledge about prevention in sexual vulnerability and reproductive health in women who committed early marriage, with a correlation of 0.460, which meant the value of correlation level was moderate. Conclusion: Islamic boarding school female students’ empowerment through health education is very effective in preventing the negative impacts of early marriage, so that this effort needs to be done not only by Islamic boarding school female students but also respective figuresin society. It not only aims to prevent the negative impacts of early marriage, but most importantly in the long term can also prevent early marriage in Jember district.


Keywords: empowerment ,prevention, health,  early marriage

Biografi Penulis

Awatiful Azza, University of Muhammadiyah Jember

University of Muhammadiyah Jember


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