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betty ariani ariani


Distance is the problem of fuel product supplying in our country especially in east region The scheduling of distribution was not optimize. There was no attention in time management,it made uncertainty in supplying and availability of fuel product. This research was planning about the ship route and time scheduling in order to ensure availability of fuel product in east region.The prospect and result of this research is optimize solutions in time delivery, the quantity of fuel product, and the best ship route. The manual scenario with genetic Algorithm has 10 populations, 8 generations , 40% cross over probability, and 1% mutation probability. And the best solutions are 1st ship route  are Kupang – Atapupu – Dilli – Kalabahi – Kupang and 2sc ship route  are Kupang – Larantuka – Reo dan Kupang with  3135 in costs.

Key words : Schedulling, Optimize, Inventory Routing, depot of fuel product, Genetic Algorithm.

Rincian Artikel

Biografi Penulis

betty ariani ariani, universitas muhammadiyah surabaya

Dosen Teknik Perkapalan - FT Um Surabaya


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